09 July 2024

Occupational Health Card in Dubai

In the UAE, food handlers are required to obtain an occupational health card to ensure they are fit to handle food and maintain public health standards. The process typically involves several steps, including medical examinations and specific requirements for documentation. Here’s a general overview of the process:

Steps to Obtain an Occupational Health Card

Food handlers or their employers must apply for the occupational health card at the relevant health authority in their emirate (e.g., Dubai Health Authority (DHA), Abu Dhabi Department of Health).
Medical Examination:

Applicants undergo a series of medical tests, which may include tests for infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, and other illnesses that could pose a risk to food safety.
Medical tests are usually conducted at accredited medical centers or health facilities.
Required Documents:

Passport copy
Visa copy


Phone: +EXPIRED0

Occupational Health Card in Dubai


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