31 July 2023

Store In Charge Vacancy

1. Receives and inspects all incoming materials and reconciles with purchase orders; processes and distributes documentation with purchase orders; reports, documents and tracks damages and discrepancies on orders received.

2. Makes intra- and inter-campus deliveries of requested surplus office furniture and merchandise; maintains records of all deliveries.

3. Fills supply requisitions; assists buyer in ordering adequate merchandise and supplies; delivers orders to faculty and staff.

4. Receives, stores, Tags and tracks surplus property; prepares property lists for items to be sold at auction.

5. Receives and stores documents and confidential files; maintains record of approved document and confidential file destruction.

6. Ships canceled and damaged items back to vendors.

7. Delivers and sets up furniture for various campus events.

8. Handles and documents storage and transportation of hazardous materials.

9. Maintains the warehouse, records area and stores area in a neat and orderly manner. 10. Answers questions regarding procedures and resolves discrepancies regarding receipts, deliveries, warranties, repairs and surplus property.

Job Type: Full-time



Salary: 4 000 Dhs

goto: Office and Secretarial jobs