12 July 2023

School Receptionist Vacancy in Dubai

School receptionists are the face of a school. They greet students, parents and other visitors as they enter the building each day. They may also be responsible for answering phones, scheduling appointments and handling other general administrative tasks.

School receptionists play an important role in maintaining a positive image for their school. They interact with people on a daily basis and often have a chance to make a lasting impression. This makes them an ideal point of contact for resolving any issues that arise between a student or parent and the schools administration.

School Receptionist Job Duties

A school receptionist typically has a wide range of responsibilities, which can include:

Interacting with teachers and other staff members to answer questions or resolve issues.

Providing administrative support to school principals by managing their calendars and arranging meetings with staff members.

Coordinating school events such as parent meetings, school plays, and field trips.

Collecting and distributing mail and messages to teachers and staff members.

Answering phones and greeting visitors when they arrive at the school office.

Maintaining school records such as class rosters and student transcripts.

Handling cash transactions such as issuing lunch tickets or collecting fees for field trips.

Providing basic customer service such as answering phones, greeting visitors, and scheduling appointments.

Receiving, processing, and responding to student paperwork such as enrollment forms, disciplinary notices, and letters from parents or guardians.



Salary: 4 000 Dhs

goto: Teaching jobs