20 June 2023

Admissions Assistant Vacancy in Dubai

To follow up on all new enquiries within one working day, answering questions and converting enquiries to admissions meetings.

Following up after meetings for all their appointments, up to and including an offer being made, and liaising with the registrar and finance so there is a smooth hand over for offers.

To lead parent tours of the school and support meetings as required.

To manage and maintain the appointment calendar, chasing any missed appointments, and ensuring the welcome area for parents is prepared before meetings.

Weekly reconciliation to make sure records are always up-to-date.

To manage the multiple databases of parent enquiries.

To participate in regular meetings with the admission/marketing team meetings and to share information with the school leaders and ISP on a regular basis.

To cover reception as required and support the day to day running of the school.

To contribute to the weekly KPI reports, enrolments reports and pipeline reports, with the support of the registrar and head of admissions.



Salary: 4 000 Dhs

goto: Office and Secretarial jobs