19 September 2022

Third Party Lifting Inspection Services, Lifting Accessories Inspection And Lifting Appliances Inspection Services

We, EIWAA Oil & Gas Services LLC is an Third Party Lifting Inspection Services or a lifting Accessories Inspection Company in UAE.
• EOT Crane Inspection and Certification
• Equipment for lifting and testing water bag weights for SWL checking the deck crane, the hoist, the platforms, the skips, etc.
• Inspection of lifting equipment and a load test for deck elevators by using a dynamometer load cell and water bags, inspect and certify.
• STS crane and other heavy lifting equipment in ships, tankers, and rigs are proof load tested and certified using load cells and water weights.
• Cranes and lifting gear are tested for heavy lifting and weights using water weights, calibrated dynamometer load cell, and spreader beams.
• Sausage water bags, water bag pillages, and lower capacity water bags were used in marine gangway and walkway load testing.
• Marine and offshore heavy lifting equipment inspection by static and dynamic load testing, lifting inspection, and approval procedures by using water weight, water bags, spreader bars, lifting accessories, lifting appliances, and calibrated load weighing equipment and dynamometer load cells.
• Inspection and certification of heavy lifting equipment by using water weights or bags of water.
• For crane inspection and marine survey, water weight test bags and dynamometer load cells are used.
• Rental fleet for water bag rental, Digital dynamometer rental and higher capacity load cell etc.
For future enquiries, Please visit www.eiwaagroup.com and request to send the enquiries at EXPIRED or call at +EXPIRED/+EXPIRED.



Third Party Lifting Inspection Services, Lifting Accessories Inspection And Lifting Appliances Inspection Services

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